Look closer: A pictorial nod to our favorite Primetime Shootout moments

Note: We took a lot of photos at the 2010 Primetime Shootout, which turned out to be a terrific event with two indisputably classic games. Here are some of our favorites that weren’t used in the articles I wrote about… Continue Reading

Rearview mirror: LeBron-mania reaches its zenith in Trenton

(Note: I originally wrote this during the fall in conjunction with the release of “More than a Game,” but while writing about the Primetime Shootout this weekend, I grew nostalgic for the greatest high school performance I had ever seen… Continue Reading

Friday Night slight: Irving superb, line unkind as St. Pat’s falls to Oak Hill

Talk about a lousy day. After St. Patrick’s (No. 6, ESPN Rise) was banned from the New Jersey state tournament earlier in the day because coach Kevin Boyle attended practices before he was technically allowed to, they lost an absolute… Continue Reading

Hit me with your best shot: SportsAngle’s uninformed Super Bowl pick

I wanted to write something about the Super Bowl because, well, it’s the Super Bowl. I was thinking some predictions and whatnot, maybe a little analysis thrown in for good measure. But I’ve immediately hit a brick wall. The problem… Continue Reading

Wrestling with shadows: Rumble trip beautifully illustrates passage of time

I know it’s fake. I know I’m 30. But standing with my friends in section 110 at Phillips Arena in Atlanta last Sunday, when his music hit and Edge made his surprise return at the Royal Rumble, I couldn’t help… Continue Reading